G attened the 16th Annual Young Hollywood Awards yesterday and I’ve added some photos from the event to the gallery (:

G is on the cover of BYOU magazine for their back to school issue.
Congrats to the cast of Dog With A Blog for their Emmy nomination!
Sorry for M.I.A I’ve just been super busy with things and all. I will update once G has some new stuff out besides instagram photos. 😛
I’ve found tons of photos of G that are pretty HQ. I don’t believe in tagging my photos cause what’s the point? Yeah, People use them but that is the point! You want the fans to use them for edits etc. (: Check the gallery out!!
Jessie Stills
1.18 “A New Baby?” Stills
Hey, It’s Rachel! I just wanted to say that me and a friend of mine adopted this site cause we’re both fans of G’s and I saw it just sitting on the list of being adopted and I felt the need to do so. G’s talented and a pretty awesome girl so she deserves all the fan-sites she could get. (: Take a look around and I hope you enjoy our site!